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Academic & Character


Graduate Profile

What does an Icon Prep student embody?

  • Character Strengths. Students practice being conscientious, curious, entrepreneurial, perseverant, self-aware, self-regulated, and socially intelligent.

  • Cognitive Skills. Students develop strong habits of the mind, such as communication, inquiry, analysis, and synthesis, diagnosis, innovation, reasoning, and managing complexity.

  • Global Citizenship. Students spend time abroad, collaborate with foreign counterparts, and learn to communicate in another language. Our world is increasingly interconnected – our students need to have a global lens and empathy across cultures.

  • Creation. Students build their creative confidence to develop ideas and solutions through design thinking, engineering, leadership, and through the expression of artistic and emotional beauty.

  • Purpose. Students explore and develop a talent or passion during their years at Icon Prep.

  • Independence. Students develop the capacity to set, meet and hold themselves accountable for meaningful goals on their own.

Foundational Fluencies & Deeper Learning


  • Students achieve fluency in reading, writing, math and computing.

  • They are also exposed to deeper learning concepts in wellness, integrated arts, integrated science, civics, physics, chemistry, biology, finance, global societies, economics and statistics.

(216) 243-1004

15200 Puritas Ave., Cleveland, OH 44135

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