Architecture of Learning
How is our learning experience structured?
Independence Levels
We organize students by independence level in order to support student autonomy.
At Icon, we use a combination of age and academic ability to group students by independence.
Students are given as much structure and support as they need to be successful in their academic and character growth.
Student Agency
Students take ownership of their education.
We believe in creating a platform for students to develop their ability to take action, assume responsibility for their behavior in a safe learning environment, and apply all this in unfamiliar situations.
To support the development of student agency, students learn how to set meaningful goals and hold themselves accountable for their learning and personal development.
Students own their learning and have a voice in their school experience.
Extended Year, Extended Day
We provide a substantive learning environment for an extended year & day schedule.
We aim to coordinate immersive learning opportunities at Icon Prep during school breaks.
We believe students need time for family, rest and interests outside of school.
Mixed Age / Peer Learning
Students learn from each other and teach one another.
Older students learn how to be teachers to our younger students through regularly scheduled interactions, in which they both give and receive feedback.
The mixed age setting is intended to foster collaboration and impactful relationships rather than competition.
Community Learning
Students receive mentorship from community members, which prepares them for apprenticeships and internships.
Students also learn from the community through guest speakers, field studies and community service.
Students exhibit their work to a public audience multiple times throughout the year both to give back to the community and learn from their feedback and expertise.